Saturday, January 2, 2010

Amish Life in the Winter Time

What do the Amish do in the winter? While this would obviously vary from one family to another, I will write about some of the experiences of my wife and I.
A typical day might start at 4:30 -5:00 AM. We would get up and the the men would head to the barn to start feeding the horses and cows, while the women might start breakfast. Sometimes some of the girls would head to the barn with the men. After the horses and cows are fed, the cows are milked and the milking utensils are washed. By this time the women should have a hearty home cooked breakfast ready for those that had to brave the cold weather outside. After breakfast there may be some chores to finish up. During the coldest parts of winter, frozen waterlines can be a real headache. Sometimes one might work most of the morning to get the livestock watered.
At noon the men find there way back to the house for another hearty home-cooked meal. It might consist of canned corn or peas, mashed potatoes and gravy, & fried (farm raised) chicken, followed by desert which might be canned peaches served with cake and milk.
Of course, the stables need to be cleaned every day or two. Sometimes that can be done in the morning, but sometimes it has to wait until after lunch time. Depending on the amount of livestock an Amish farmer has he might be cleaning the barn for about an hour to half a day. There may be a new baby calf or colt to take care of. Some Amish farmers will have hogs, sheep or some other livestock to care for as well.
The evening chores start again at about 5:00 PM. It is pretty much a repeat of the morning chores. Feed the horses and cows, milk the cows, clean the milking equipment, and then make sure all the livestock has fresh, clean bedding for the night.
After all the evening chores are done, the men (and girls) head back to the house for a hearty supper. After supper the women will wash the dishes and the men and boys may relax a little while by reading the a book or the local newspaper. Everybody is usually in bed by 8:30-9:00 PM. Remember there is no TV to watch. There is no internet. No radio.


Anonymous said...

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